Are Dogs Color Blind?

This past weekend at the Mobile Bay Dog Training Club, a friend had an interesting experience with her dog. The trial was held just west of Mobile in Vancleave, MS at a covered horse arena on orangish/reddish packed dirt. On Saturday, Tami Grinstead had perfect runs with her Papillon, Peyton, but on Sunday, they were very out of sync with several off courses. Later that day, Tami sent me a text saying that she thinks she figured it out: she was wearing an orange jersey. In other words, she thinks Peyton just couldn’t see her because her clothing was almost the same color as the surroundings.

I have read several articles about dog’s color vision and that is one reason I always wear all black. The second reason is because it’s more slimming (ha ha), but mostly, it’s because it’s easier for my dog to SEE me! Here are a few good articles that goes over the basic points and if you haven’t heard or read about this before, you might find it interesting:


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